Living Green

Now Thanksgiving is behind us and Christmas lights up the town...we are faced with the most wasteful times of the year. Dreading the holiday shopping? You're not alone. I love shopping but dislike the crowds. The traffic drives me crazy. I try to stay home as much as possible. We consume endless amounts of fuel to drive to shopping malls and then circle around forever looking for a parking spot. Then we buy endless amounts of gifts, packed into large plastic shopping bags, and trudge them back to the cars. Then we drive them home, wrap them up in piles of paper, shred it all open on a few weeks later, and then---and this is what gets me going---everybody returns everything back to the stores for exchanges and/or refunds. *Ugh.*

People know me know I'm definitely no Scrooge. I love to buy gifts for family and friends for holidays and special occasions. However, I recognize more than ever how important it is to change the whole holiday ethos--NOT next year or some year in the future, but this year, right now!

So, starting with this holiday season, in addition to serving our community and helping out friends or needies, I have committed to do the followings unless I know without a doubt there's a perfect gift awaiting at a box store (as much as I'd like to I can't make electronics, heehee)...
- Make handmade goods/food (I find people appreciate thoughtful handmade goods.)
- Buy handmade and/or fair trade goods/food
- Buy/recycled used goods

Lets be kinder to the planet by making your pledge
here today and spread the word on the benefits of buying handmade.

Here are some helpful tips in creating a greener than ever holiday:

QUALITY GIFTS, not QUANTITY. For example, one exquisite bamboo blanket is much better than 10 acrylic ones.

GIVE GIFT CARDS. Wrap it up in an empty Altoid tin and surprise a relative or friend. Unwanted gifts would often times sit in one's closet for months--even years, without ever being returned to stores--and eventually make ways to Goodwill or FreeCycle. So, rather to guess a friend might enjoy an expensive board game, why not give a gift card? The person gets to pick out exactly what he/she likes avoiding all the unnecessary hassles in dealing with returns.

SHOP ONLINE. Plan ahead and opt for GROUND shipping for your purchases. Avoid overnighting your gifts as much as possible. Select USPS at all costs. Your mail courier comes to you any extra trip, no extra fuels used...why not have him/her bring your purchases to you.

Lastly, wrap gifts in newspapers, collaged-wrapper made easily from old calenders or magazines...personalized with rubber-stamping, hand-drawn art by you or your child(ren.) Remember to recycle after ripping open your gifts. Plus, they make great Artist Trading cards and altered arts. We will show more samples in our newly created
crafty blog in coming months. Stay tuned.

Now...Go for it! Live GREEN.

1 encouragements:

piscesgrrl said...

I like your ideas, and I share your concern for the waste involved. One year I committed to only buying locally, and by locally-owned businesses (no chain stores). It was really hard, but the people i bought from were SO gracious and thankful. They cannot compete price-wise, of course, but as far as feeling good about your purchase, knowing you're paying someone a fair wage, and having a clearer conscience about what your money is supporting? Can't beat it.

We do photo calendars for most of the family. It's a nice keepsake and helps with that "what to buy" conundrum. And we often make donations to Heifer International or other worthy causes.

Green cheers to ya!

True learning-learning that is permanent and useful,that leads to intelligent action and further learning, can arise only out of the experience, interest, and concerns of the learner.
John Holt
Real heroes are men who fall, fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they stayed true to their ideals, beliefs and commitments.
Actor Kevin Costner

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