I am Stumped...

stuck--unable to proceed, often regarding being confounded by some intellectual puzzle.

Anyone knows a quick fix and like to help expand these two pages--ABOUT and FOND MEMORIES on my bog? The Automatic Thumbnail and ReadMore hack is great...but not without a slight hiccup. I love puzzle-solving...but time is a precious commodity on my hand. Plus, I like to get back to musing over days of life rather than this techno/geeky stuff...there are many experts out there than me (one who still don't do texting, Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, DiggIt...)

DREAM...EXPLORE...AND DISCOVER! (stop by here to see what I've been creating)!

2 encouragements:

Ms Eva said...

I love the new look! I'm not sure how to address your stumbling block but I did send you an email in that regard. :)

M.E. Greene said...

Wish I knew how to help, but I really like what I see on your blog so far! :) By the way, I'm a homeschooling mom too!

True learning-learning that is permanent and useful,that leads to intelligent action and further learning, can arise only out of the experience, interest, and concerns of the learner.
John Holt
Real heroes are men who fall, fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they stayed true to their ideals, beliefs and commitments.
Actor Kevin Costner

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