2010 Central Oregon Solo and Ensemble

The solo/ensemble contests are intended to provide student musicians an opportunity to perform a solo or an ensemble, in front of an adjudicator and a limited audience, and to receive constructive comments, both spoken and written, from the adjudicator. Primary benefits to the students are the experience of performing, alone or in a small group, and a critique from someone other than their regular music teacher(s). These contests, only applicable to High Schoolers, also serve as regional qualifying events for the State Solo/Ensemble Contest every spring. We had six flutist qualifiers moving onto State Competition this year--four of which are from Pam Hughes' studio.

Here are the categories for solo/ensemble contests, applicable only for high-schoolers:
WOODWIND SOLO: Piccolo/Flute/Alto Flute; Oboe/English Horn; Clarinet; Alto/Bass Clarinet; Bassoon; Soprano/Alto Saxophone; Tenor/Baritone Saxophone
BRASS SOLO: Trumpet/Cornet; Horn; Trombone; Euphonium/Baritone Horn;
PERCUSSION SOLO:Percussion Solo: Timpani; Mallets; Snare Drum;
STRING SOLO: Violin; Viola; Violoncello;
VOCAL SOLO: Soprano; Mezzo Soprano; Alto; Tenor; Baritone;
SMALL ENSEMBLE: 2-4 performers not counting accompanist (piano, harp, or guitar)
LARGE ENSEMBLE: 5-16 performers not counting accompanist (piano, harp, or guitar)

My teen wasn't able to play last year because she didn't take any course at a school. So, you see, she is excited to be there today--with her piano accompaniment Jean Schrader--representing her school, Cascade Middle School (even though her only class attending is Advance Band,) as well as her new studio by Pam Hughes.

All-in-all, it was a wonderful experience. She got a trial run of what it's like and looks forward to next year's Solo and Ensemble competition as a high-school freshman!

Hope you enjoy her performance as much as I do!

DREAM...EXPLORE...AND DISCOVER! (stop by here to see what I've been creating)!

(one who still doesn't do texting, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, DiggIt...)
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Real heroes are men who fall, fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they stayed true to their ideals, beliefs and commitments.
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