An inspiring Dickens classic tale of hope and redemption, A Christmas Carol tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and his magical journey from a bah-humbug miser to a loving and generous man. In this version presented by Cultural Student Performances of the Second Annual Bend Experimental Art Theatre (
Tower Theatre Foundation, --it was directed by our old friend (
through Home Program) Mary Kilpatrick, and starred in the Principal Role of Scrooge,
one of our most powerful adult actors in Central Oregon Rick Jenkins.
This year's performances were presented in a very exciting new format: Performed for the first time by a mixed group of 29 seasoned adults and
BEAT youth actors, with youth actors in many principal roles--Ebenezer Scrooge, Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim, Marley's Ghost, Mr. Fezziwig, Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, Future--a
and a host of others bring the spirit of Christmas to the hearts of everyone--cast, audience, young, and old alike.
The morning play was sold out on the first day of sale announcement. We were fortunate to be allocated 40 tickets for the noon performance, personally by Howard Schor, Executive Director of
BEAT continues to get amazing audience response from this holiday classic. I am thrilled that they are creating an annual holiday tradition for families in our community. This show has such an uplifting message--it’s the perfect way to celebrate the season and remind each one of us of the true meaning of giving.
A Christmas Carol is packed with humor, excitement, drama, and heartwarming moments. Everything you need for a fun, memorable Christmas event! The play was absolutely a wonderful experience from beginning to end. Don't miss a spectacular performance.
DREAM...EXPLORE...AND DISCOVER! (stop by here to see what I've been creating)!