The Unexpected

On this day of my life,

I believe God wants me to know

if I do not expect the unexpected I will not find it,

for it is not to be reached by search or trail.

Heraclitus said that, and he was right.

Life is delighted to bring me The Unexpected.

Am I delighted to receive it?

Indeed, belief in the coming of The Unexpected is the genesis of hope.

How can I hope for anything breathtaking or exciting

if I can only hope for the already expected?

Therefore, you must always think that anything can happen.

Form my ideas and dreams within that framework!

Remember, God specializes in The Unexpected.

DREAM...EXPLORE...AND DISCOVER! (stop by here to see what I've been creating)!
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Life is Like a River...

...It's moving.

I can be at the mercy of the river if I don't take deliberate, conscious action to steer myself in a direction I have predetermined.

If I don't plant the mental and physiological seeds of the results I want, weeds will grow automatically.

If I don't consciously direct my own mind and state, my environment may produce undesirable haphazard state.

The result can be disastrous. Thus it's critical that--on a daily basis--I stand guard at the door of my mind that I know how I am consistently representing things to myself. I must daily weed my garden (or simply hang out at the river!)

DREAM...EXPLORE...AND DISCOVER! (stop by here to see what I've been creating)!
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Life's Mission

to live without regret

to embrace change

to forgive and forget

to live for today

to learn from my mistakes

to accept responsibility

to show compassion and not hate

to expand my horizons

to strive for my goals

to be content with myself

this is a path to a happier soul

DREAM...EXPLORE...AND DISCOVER! (stop by here to see what I've been creating)!
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Happy Mother's Day to All

Whether you are mom to kids or a mom to critters. Happy Mother's Day to every woman who cares, loves and takes care of someone or something. Hugs.

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True learning-learning that is permanent and useful,that leads to intelligent action and further learning, can arise only out of the experience, interest, and concerns of the learner.
John Holt
Real heroes are men who fall, fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they stayed true to their ideals, beliefs and commitments.
Actor Kevin Costner

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